Amino Acid drinks help those working out to have more energy for those heavy duty workouts as well as speeding the after workout recovery process. Optimum Nutrition Essential AmiN.O. Energy Fruit Fusion will help provide you both with pre-workout energy and a faster recovery. Features of this drink include:
- 30 servings
- Microrized free form amino acids for faster absorption that supports recovery before, during and after workouts.
- Contains caffeine from natural sources
- Nitric Oxide production
- Improved energy and focus
Reviews for the fruit fusion by Optimum Nutrition are good with most users feeling that this workout drink actually helps them to make the most out of their workouts. Here are some of the things that users like about this amino acid drink.
- Gives them a nice burst of energy to get going in the morining and to
work out harder making the most out of their workout time.
- The Amino acids in this fruit fusion is sufficient for both workout and recovery.
- This drink is good for both pre and post workouts giving you energy before your workout and helping you to recover your energy faster than after your workout.
- Users also recommend Optimum Nutrition Essential AmiN.O. Energy fruit fusion because of the good taste.
Here you will find more description, details and latest discounts >>>> Optimum Nutrition Essential Amino Energy Fruit Fusion x 30
Optimum Nutrition essential Amino Energy fruit fusion is a great product to use when building muscle or stamina for that marathon, other sporting event, or simply to improve your health